heroines at the Covi-19 front line
March 18, 2020

Today we want to talk about a very young girl, her name is Martina and she is 24. She was enrolled at Nursery School in Milan and was finishing writing her dissertation for defense. It was the 21st of February when she was called and asked, along with other 87 students, to finish her dissertation earlier because in the Northern part of Italy, Lombardy, more nurses were needed to face the Novel Coronavirus problem. Therefore she just had the time to finish the thesis in one week, and prepare for the official Nurses Practicioner Board Exam. She defended her dissertation on Skype, instead of a normal University classroom and became rready to serve the Italian Government! Along with her, all the other nurses that will go to the most hit cities, Bergamo and Brescia, are freshmen not scared of the danger coming from being in the ward underequipped. We wish Martina all the best !!